Dear Parents, Coaches, Managers and Players,
Please find attached a letter from Mr Mead, the College’s Head of Sport, and the Code of Behaviour.
Please carefully read it.
Please discuss it at home, and at training, and on game day as a team, and as part of the supporter/parent group.
It sets out very clearly the College’s expectations on all of us.
As President, and on behalf of the Committee, and as a Club, we completely and strongly support the position Mr Mead sets out.
There is absolutely no place in our Club for behaviour that is abusive. None.
We are blessed to have some wonderful role models in our players, our coaches, our managers, the College staff and our parent body. I ask all of us to;
- Not only read the letter but have an active discussion about it, both at a personal and for coaches – at a team level
- If you want to know more, raise it with the Committee, or the College, and/or look at the excellent “Let Kids be Kids” website,
- Remember that we all, players, coaches or supporters represent the College on game days
- If someone is not acting in a way that is consistent with the Code; don’t ignore it – do something about it.( I highly commend the Headmasters article in the April e-news to you in this regard)
Thank you to all who assist the Club in not only helping our sons being better basketballers, but on their journey to become fine young men.
Michael James
Club President